Sunday, June 23, 2013


Welcome to my Sunday. Every Sunday for possibly the rest of the summer I will spend five hours at TTV. So get ready for every Sunday to now be Free Trade Sunday. A day I share with you about what I learn interning with Ten Thousand Villages.

We are preparing for an upcoming event on July 6th. This event is in celebration of World Tibet Day. I actually am not quite sure what that is and am honestly not that excited for the event. The event itself is a event trying to break a world record for the largest number of singing bowls playing all at once. I did not even know what a singing bowl was. And if I had to bet, you don't know either. Basically it is a real expensive bowl that makes a high pitched hum when played. Not to extravagant.

So I spent the day hanging up posters and preparing tweets for the week. My favorite part about TTV is the actual store. I love seeing the products and reading the stories that have to go along with them. That is by far what I am looking forward to the most. Learning about fair trade and the products made around the world.

Later than night Sammie and I made a delicious dinner. Healthy too, minus the wine. We though we were super classy.

At about seven, Serena had a bunch of people over for a BBQ. Becuase I just ate a lovely dinner with Sammie I opted out of the BYOM (bring your own meat), though I did bring some wine coolers.

Many many of my friends were there. Including Emily, pictured to the left. Emily and I went to high school together and are actually good friends. It was honestly so great seeing her and catching up. I told her we needed to do it more often. Thank goodness some of our friend groups inter lap so we can be forced into seeing each other. We also happen to watch the guy walk on a tight rope over the Grand Canyon during the party. It was intense. He had no safety harness. What a man.  

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